V-CO is a story of emerging from adversity into success, where the role of a landlord and asset management experience is incorporated into workspace solutions.

Launched in 2020, V-Co, a premium brand for stylish, flexible workspace and event venue, is developed, owned and operated by V-Point in the heart of Causeway Bay. We aim to offer better communication between tenants and the building and a higher degree of security and stability for struggling small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with shorter, flexible leases.

With professional real estate experience, V-Point developed V-Co as one of the most desirable developer-operated coworking spaces. Created for fellow innovative minds and business leaders, V-CO is the perfect alternative to ordinary offices, offering a cost-effective and flexible workplace solution to cater to different business needs and working realities of today.

At V-Co, you are always welcome to join our community. Call 3468 4041 or book a tour to visit us at a time that suits you. Discover our serviced offices tailored to businesses of all sizes, with 24/7 access, world-class amenities and a community of like-minded professionals.

If you are interested in V-Co, check out our WORK WEBPAGE or reach out to us at hi@vpointcwb.com or +852 6016 3896.