V-CO is a story of emerging from adversity into success, where the role of a landlord and asset management experience is incorporated into workspace solutions.
Launched in 2020, V-Co, a premium brand for stylish, flexible workspace and event venue, is developed, owned and operated by V-Point in the heart of Causeway Bay.

“Not a co-working space” is our core value. We don’t see ourselves as a co-working space but a collaborative space where things happen and a brand that represents creativity and synergy. We value fun, innovative brands, break through the industry standards, and always think out of the box in the current landscape. The uniqueness of V-Co lies in the creativity, vibrancy and quality of services it offers.

V-Co aims to cultivate and become a hub for creative pioneers, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and start-up entrepreneurs. We host weekly and monthly community gatherings to help you and your team connect with other members in this shared space. Be it through a weekly happy hour or a themed party, we strive to ensure that the comfort of our guests is valued. Be surrounded by like-minded businesses and entrepreneurs to help extend and expand your business and networks.
At V-Co, our extensive range of coworking desks, private offices, and event venues is all you need for space. V-Co creates a warm and welcoming space that adapts to the modern palate with contemporary design elements. Each office comes all-inclusive with state-of-the-art facilities, 24/7 access, high-speed WiFi, meeting rooms, video-conferencing and more.

If you are interested in V-Co, check out our WORK WEBPAGE or reach out to us at hi@vpointcwb.com or +852 6016 3896.